Pediatric Ankle Cryocuff Unit, Complete


SKU: Pediatric Ankle Cryocuff Unit, Complete Category:


The Pediatric Ankle Cryo/Cuff is specifically designed to treat children’s injuries (ages 1 to 7). Using a combination of controlled compression and cold, the Cryo/Cuff minimizes hemarthrosis, swelling, and pain. The Pediatric Ankle Cryo/Cuff is ideal for use in the treatment of hemorrhagic episodes in hemophilia. The Pediatric Ankle Cryo/Cuff is one-size for children; an adult size is also available.All Cryo/Cuffs can be ordered as a single cuff, or with a cooler (including a tube assembly and insulation disk). The Cooler is available separately and can be used with any model in the Cryo/Cuff line.

Product provides:
* Anatomic cuff design for complete coverage of affected area
* Measured compression for patient comfort
* Controlled cold eliminates the risk of tissue damage
* Detachable cooler without treatment interruption
* Treatment for hemophilia hemorrhage
* Sizes for both pediatric and adult patients

One size only

Additional information

Weight 1.00 oz

AC-10P AC Ankle Cryocuff, Complete Unit, Pediatric